Thursday 15 January 2009


Looking for match? contact me

I don't miss 2008. haha Happy belated new year 2009. I rarely go to the cinema nowdays, I wonder why. CS makes my life easier and entertaining even though we lost lots of times. I'm currently in team eX. looking forward through matches, apakan hahaha. I was in PR but i only play once with them, nda sampai setangahjam. It was against Kuwatirmulir, Wu|f and others i can't remember, good team (y)

December 2008,

eX 2 won against Team Nemesis 4th team. won 4maps.
eX against [N]avigator. lost 4maps -.-
eX against Dtc. Won 4maps.
eX against Fratanity. Won 4maps.

January 2009. new year yo!

eX against Team Nemesis 4th team again. Won 4maps.
eX against ex-dfg muiz's new team. KALAH. KANA LASUK. DURANG HANDAL.
eX against pieceofshit's team - kalah 4maps kana lasuk pasal aku nada! haha nadawah.

eX against NJ(4th Wasps. ntah.) - Used CoR. bukan full eX, 2urg campur, sorang nda pandai main. 2durang campur2 lagi. antah nda betantu main ah. lost 4maps - sadang2 kalah mcm 16-10 saja
eX against LLF - 18th Jan 2009